Coaching & Mentoring Skills (CMS)

Through our transformative Coaching & Mentoring Skills corporate course you can realise your team’s true potential. Empower your leaders to inspire, motivate, and develop top-performing individuals. Our expert-led program fosters a culture of continuous growth, enhancing communication, problem-solving, and goal achievement. Harness the power of effective coaching and mentoring techniques to drive remarkable results.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the core principles of coaching and mentoring and their distinct roles in professional development.
  • Develop active listening and effective communication skills to foster strong mentor-mentee relationships.
  • Learn goal-setting techniques and how to create actionable plans for individual and team growth.
  • Master problem-solving strategies to address challenges and encourage innovative thinking.
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence to empathize, motivate, and inspire team members.
  • Enhance leadership abilities by empowering and guiding others towards success.
  • Implement best practices for creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
  • Apply coaching and mentoring skills to drive lasting positive change within their organization.

Who should attend?

Managers and Team Leaders, Human Resources Professionals, High-Potential Employees, Executives and Senior Leaders, Employees Seeking Personal Growth, and anyone involved in talent development or employee training.

Modes of delivery:

The module shall be delivered by way of: